Engagement with communities

Engagement with communities

Sustainable development is our priority

Our projects and operations are carried out in territories inhabited by rural and / or ethnic populations, who are part of the areas of influence. That is why we care about the conservation of these territories and maintaining a good relationship with those who inhabit them.
Water for Guamachito
Read the chronicle
Operario de TGI y dos niñas de la comunidad wayú sonríen

Why is this important?


The relationship with the communities that we establish at TGI starts from understanding the territorial context and the actors that comprise it, always respecting the diversity of language, cultural and environmental particularities, and involving society in the development of projects that transport energy and that represent growth for Colombia. All this makes our company recognized as a legitimate actor that contributes to sustainable development.

Our approach to social management is based on developing and maintaining genuine and long-term relationships with the different actors. We understand that we are part of an environment and that is why we know how important it is to build relationships with those who inhabit it. In this community relationship, we find an opportunity to differentiate ourselves and an element thanks to which our projects advance more fluidly, adopting the values of our company and facilitating the implementation of the dominant aspect of the company and its value proposition of the territories.

How do we manage it?

  • Un payaso enseña su nariz roja a una niña de la comunidad wayú

    At TGI we develop social management based on genuine relationships with the communities in the territories, which allows us to maintain their trust and generate long-term progress.

  • Madres de la comunidad wayú están junto a sus hijos sonriendo

    At TGI we develop social management based on genuine relationships with the communities in the territories, which allows us to maintain their trust and generate long-term progress.

  • Personal de TGI habla con dos mujeres de una comunidad

    At TGI we develop social management based on genuine relationships with the communities in the territories, which allows us to maintain their trust and generate long-term progress.

During 2020, we updated the Social Management Plan in order to harmonize its thematic lines with social needs and the corporate strategy to contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(103-2) TGI Social Management Plan Programs

Click on the image to enlarge.

Gráfica programas Plan de Gestión Social TGI

Secure Networks. We generate actions to mitigate the two-way (gas pipeline-community) risk and social compensation aimed at preserving human lives, operational infrastructure and the environment in the area of influence of the gas pipeline.

Learning Networks. We promote inclusive, equitable and quality education to provide opportunities that foster the development of the economy and generate competitive advantages. Furthermore, it fosters tolerance, creates more peaceful societies and empowers people to enjoy healthier and more sustainable lives.

Networks that Empower. We promote community management through leaders and agents of change to whom we offer opportunities to create spaces for action, communication, motivation and social inclusion.

Competitiveness Networks. We promote and strengthen the rural economy, with a focus on SMEs, through the contribution of labor, capital, food, foreign exchange and a commodities market. In addition, we guide them so that they are inserted in economic processes that generate job opportunities and territorial progress.

Progress Networks. We promote the development of economic infrastructure by supporting the levels of accessibility, well-being and quality of life for the communities.

Ancestral Networks. We build and implement genuine relationship strategies with ethnic groups located in the areas of influence of the projects and assets in operation, as established in ILO Convention 169 of 1989 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, in national and international regulations and jurisprudence, and in the TGI Sustainability Policy.

What we achieved in 2020


(413-1) 100% of the 24 operating centers were assessed for risks and socio-environmental impacts, with the participation of local representatives. They all had development programs in the local community

  • As part of our relationship with communities we make the best effort so that, in the midst of understanding their context, language and respect for their diversity, we involve them in the projects we develop:

(Own) Institutional Strengthening
Total activities in the field / Number of meetings held Officials of local authorities of governorates and municipalities of the AOI. Main results
11 Boyacá, Caldas, Cesar, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Meta, Risaralda, Tolima, Santander. 1. Presentation of biosafety protocols.
2. Recognition of departmental controls for the attention of the Covid-19 pandemic.
3. Obtaining permits for the continuity of activities.
4. Institutional coordination and updating of directories.
5. Strengthening the relationship with the authorities.
5 Jesús María, Florián, Puerto Boyacá, Miraflores, La Victoria. 1. Presentation of biosafety protocols.
2. Recognition of departmental controls for the attention of the Covid-19 pandemic.
3. Obtaining permits for the continuity of activities.
4. Institutional coordination and updating of directories.
5. Strengthening the relationship with the authorities.
10 Barrancas, Urumita, Maicao, Fonseca, Hatonuevo, Distracción, Manaure, Villanueva, Jagua del Pilar, Riohacha. 1. Corporate presentation.
2. Strengthening of inter-institutional relations and alliances.
3. Local authorities directory update.
4. Compliance with social obligations, ANLA.
41 Miraflores, Páez, Barranca de Upía, Guayabetal, Santa Sofía, Puente Nacional, Jesús María, Florián, Sabanalarga, Cogua, Briceño, Saboyá, Albania, La Belleza, Barbosa, Cumaral, Paratebueno, Tauramena, San Pablo, Otanche, Agustín Codazzi, Curumaní, Hatonuevo, Manaure, Puerto Boyacá, Puerto Wilches, Cantagallo, San Vicente de Chucurí, La Esperanza, Mariquita, Venadillo, Coyaima, Dosquebradas, Coello, Honda, Armero, Guayabal, Fresno. 1. Generation of inter-institutional alliances.
2. Contribution to AOI communities affected under the Covid-19 pandemic scenario.
3. Strengthening relations with AID authorities and communities.
24 San Luis, Saldaña, Piedras, Natagaima, Guamo, Coyaima, Coello, Alvarado. 1. Corporate presentation.
2. Strengthening of inter-institutional relations and alliances.
3. Updating the directory of local authorities.
4. Compliance with social obligations.
39 Honda, Miraflores, Páez, Manaure, Puente Nacional, Sabanalarga, Mariquita, Albania, Jesús María, Florián, Paratebueno, Barranca de Upía, Yopal, Tauramena, Monterrey, Carutal, Tunungua. 1. Generation of inter-institutional alliances.
2. Leveraging territorial development initiatives.
3. Strengthening relationships with stakeholders.

Challenges for 2021

We have the challenge of including indicators for each program of tgi's social management plan, thus strengthening the measurement and control of the engagement with communities and other actors present in the territories.

  • Advance in the implementation of the Sumemos program, which, through the use of technological platforms, seeks to consolidate relationships with local leaders, in a dynamic information exchange scheme. In 2021 we will carry out a pilot that will allow us to advance in the reduction of social incidents that may affect the operation of our company.