Environmental commitment

Environmental commitment

We are leaders in caring for the environment

(103-1) The incorporation of good practices and the promotion of actions aimed at protecting the environment, preventing pollution and adapting and mitigating climate change in our operations are some of the major commitments of our Sustainability Policy, reflecting the importance of protecting the environment and key ecosystems for Colombia for our organization.

This commitment prompts us to identify the impacts generated in our construction, operation and maintenance activities, and to implement strategies for their prevention, mitigation, correction or compensation.

During 2020 we made a special emphasis on publicizing our management for the preservation of the environment in the hands of strategic allies such as Corpoboyacá and Proaves; To this is added the continuity of responsible compliance with regulations, the strengthening of actions aimed at mitigating climate change and the eco-efficient operation of our projects.

We frame our sustainability guidelines in international standards and agreements that reflect the best practices adopted by the global community, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the SDGs and the Principles of the Global Compact, among others.

Operaria sonriente con una planta en sus manos