

We are a diverse and inclusive team

At TGI, we are a team of 457 people (men and women) from all regions of Colombia, representing a wide spectrum of generations and professions. Undoubtedly, it is a team in which knowledge, competencies, individual skills, and human warmth multiply our value as a company for the fulfillment of the strategy.
The strength of the women of Cusiana
Read this story
Cinco mujeres en trabajo de campo llevan pala en mano

Why is this important?


At TGI, we are committed to well-being and progress. Therefore, in addition to working to connect Colombians through the transportation of clean and natural energy, we also work to consolidate our corporate culture on the values of transparency, respect, integrity and equity. That is the basis of our deep conviction that diversity, inclusion and gender equality are indispensable conditions to achieve sustainability, progress, well-being, growth and development of the company.

We work to close the gaps that may exist in society, in our relationship with work teams, with communities in the areas of influence, and we will continue to seek the necessary conditions so that Colombia becomes a more and more increasingly equitable, diverse and inclusive country, through the generation of opportunities and the contribution to the communities and their environment. That is why we have joined forces to consolidate a culture based on attributes that, together with our values and competencies, leverage the fulfillment of challenging objectives that we have in line with our strategy.

  • Rostro de una niña de la comunidad wayú

    In 2020, we achieved the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated the implementation of practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion with our collaborators and in the communities to which we bring progress.

  • Abuela de la comunidad wayú carga a su nieta pequeña en brazos

    In 2020, we achieved the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated the implementation of practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion with our collaborators and in the communities to which we bring progress.

  • Mujeres de la comunidad wayú reunidas se sonríen

    In 2020, we achieved the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated the implementation of practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion with our collaborators and in the communities to which we bring progress.

  • Una mujer y una operaria de TGI sonríen y sostienen una carpeta

    In 2020, we achieved the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated the implementation of practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion with our collaborators and in the communities to which we bring progress.

  • Operaria de TGI sonriente a las afueras de la infraestructura

    In 2020, we achieved the Equipares Silver Seal for having demonstrated the implementation of practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion with our collaborators and in the communities to which we bring progress.

(102-7) (102-8) TGI collaborators
Total collaborators
General labor indicators 2020
Total number of collaborators 457
Number of men with indefinite term contracts 337
Number of women with an indefinite term contract 113
Number of employees with an indefinite term 450
Number of men with a fixed-term contract 3
Number of women with a fixed-term contract 4
Number of fixed-term collaborators 7
Number of men with another type of contract 0
Number of women with another type of contract 0
Number of collaborators with another type of contract 0
Percentage of fixed-term employees 1,5%
Percentage of employees with an indefinite term 98,5%
Percentage of collaborators with another type of contract 0,0%
Total number of men 340
Total number of women 117
Percentage of men 74,4%
Percentage of women 25,6%

How do we manage it?


Since 2019, we have been working to close the gap in female participation in all corporate and social instances. That year, (2019) we also started the inclusion strategy, while undertaking the agreement with the UNDP equity program and established the actions that would lead us to be certified with the Equipares Seal in the Silver category, granted by the Ministry of Labor and the Presidential Advisory for Equity for Women with technical support from UNDP.

Equipares is a certification program for gender equality management systems (SGIG) that invites companies to work to close gender gaps in the workplace by implementing equality measures, affirmative actions, gender mainstreaming.

In 2020 we began its development, which is aligned with our corporate strategy through the organizational culture and the Social Awareness attribute, which we use to impact the behavior of employees towards equity, diversity, and inclusion. In addition, it is articulated with the task of different areas of our company, in eight dimensions:

Recruiting and selection.
Promotion and professional development.
Compensation and salary.
Work environment, health and quality of life.
Labor and sexual harassment in the workplace.
Non-sexist communication and inclusive language.
Reconciliation of family life, personal with co-responsibility.

Our collaborators adhere to the Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which is based on the Principles of the Global Compact.

Similarly, it is worth mentioning that at TGI, we have had two measurements of the Salary Segregation Index, the last one with a score of 0.81/100 (August 2020), an extremely low one that confirms the commitment to strengthen actions for an integral, sustainable development, fair and free from discrimination.

What we achieved in 2020


We received the silver equipares seal for our proven equity, diversity and inclusion practices. This certification was granted to us by the ministry of labor and the presidential council for women equity, with the technical support of undp.

  • We achieved the Equivares Silver Seal for our proven implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion practices, after an internal audit where TGI achieved a rating of 3.76/4.00; and an external rating, with the Icontec, where we obtained 95.77 / 100.

  • We built three interactive classrooms in rural ethno-educational institutions in the municipalities of Hatonuevo and Villanueva, in the department of La Guajira, and another in Marsella, Risaralda. These three institutions, which received an investment of more than COP 2 billion, benefit approximately 800 students. A contribution to the reduction of educational and economic gaps between rural and urban areas.

  • We have programs focused especially on indigenous women in our shared value initiatives to bring progress and well-being to communities in remote areas in Colombia.

  • We began to design shared value initiatives through education with a Gender Equality Committee, which, through periodic meetings (every three months), monitors the actions proposed in the SGIG Equipares and the action plans in the eight dimensions. These control mechanisms allow continuity to the actions proposed and give equity, diversity and inclusion issues the relevance they deserve at the corporate level.

  • (406-1) We continue to promote the Diversity and Inclusion Policy. In 2020, we had no cases of discrimination involving internal or external stakeholders.

  • (405-2) We work to close salary gaps and to ensure compensation is tied to roles and responsibilities, not people. (See annexes)

Men and women salary ratio distributed by position level TGI
2018 2019 2020
Senior Management 1,13 0,97 1,40
Middle Management 0,72 1,12 1,04
Adviser 1,00 1,00 1,00
Professional 0,86 0,93 0,91
Support 0,82 0,84 0,85
Note: Best practice expects salary ratios to be between 0.90 and 1.10.

Challenges for 2021

We will work to strengthen our actions directed to reduce the social gap and achieve equality and inclusion in the communities located in areas of influence of tgi's activities.

  • Continue strengthening the actions that allow the SGIG Equipares to mature: Silver Seal to advance in accordance with the action plan established in the short term.

    1. Increase the opportunities, participation and hiring of women in men-led positions and people from different regions of the country where TGI operates.

    2. Develop 100% of TGI employees and women for positions at the management level within the organization.

    3. Provide continuity and compliance with the training schedule in 2021, so that all employees can appropriate the SGIG Equipares and our culture oriented towards equity, diversity and inclusion.

    4. Strengthen the communication channels between the Talent Management Department and employees, and measure wage segregation to maintain good results.

    5. Strengthen actions and campaigns for health promotion and prevention aimed at the care of employees.

    6. Continue with the recognition program in its different lines and strengthen the actions that leverage the work environment at TGI.

    7. Continue with the execution of actions (training, booklet, and protocol) for the prevention of labor and sexual harassment in the workplace.

    8. Strengthen the appropriation of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy by employees and suppliers.

    9. Continue to communicate under clear guidelines for non-sexist communications and inclusive language.

    10. Through the Wellness Plan, strengthen the actions to reconcile the family, personal and work life of the collaborators. By 2021, we will continue with the actions (workshops, events, activities) that respond to, and are binding on the family stakeholder group.

  • Carry out activities within TGI's external framework, such as participation in the Energy that Transforms Advisory Committee, publication of digital articles by Senior Management, sector forums, the Colombia-UNDP Global Compact, and engagement of the supplier stakeholder group on issues that we develop as an organization vis-à-vis equity, diversity, and inclusion.

  • Within the internal framework, develop the Communication Plan, binding actions on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion, with relevant issues within the company's Wellness Plan to achieve further internal and external visibility, and to ensure the viability of equal participation and promotion opportunities regardless of sex or gender; this, in addition to the objective, equitable and discrimination-free measures.

  • In the medium term, strengthen the actions proposed in the Equivares Silver Seal to participate for the Gold Seal and thus, in the long term, demonstrate the maturity in the incorporation of these issues in the areas of the company and in TGI's culture.