Occupational Safety and Health Culture

Occupational Safety and Health Culture

We take care of our main asset: our people

The well-being of our employees and their families is TGI's purpose. This is aligned with the First Life attribute, based on strengthening the culture of prevention and self-care.
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Seis operarios de TGI aplicándose gel antibacterial en las manos desde cinco diferentes puntos de desinfección que están distanciados el uno del otro

Why is this important?


For TGI, our employees are the most important. For this reason, at the beginning of 2020 we launched the Transformation of the Culture of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), focused on its comprehensive care. Its purpose is to have safe environments where we can develop risky activities under proper planning. This way, we achieve the indicator of zero medical leave or fatal work-related accidents.

In addition, this transformation of OSH is articulated to the fulfillment of other indicators and strategies of our company:

  • The indicator of the frequency of accidents with medical leave injuries (IFI AT in Spanish), which is part of the Sustainable Development and Best Corporate Governance Practices strategy.

  • The specific objective is "to have a talented and motivated work team, focused on meeting objectives", in the Organizational Culture Plan.

  • TGI's strategic objective to "strengthen the culture of prevention and self-care in workers and contractors", which is the main purpose of the management of cultural transformation of OSH.

  • Two components of the Risk Model of the Integrity Management Plan focused on process safety, risk-based and critical risk management. These, in turn, contribute to the strategic objective: "infrastructure, which refers to operating and developing a world-class efficient, reliable, integral and sustainable infrastructure."

How do we manage it?

(103-2) (403-1) (403-8)

At TGI we have an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST in Spanish) led by Senior Management and implemented with the participation of all employees and stakeholders of the company. It has a scope in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of transportation infrastructure, seeking to guarantee its safe operation without risks to safety, health and the environment. Our system covers 100% of our direct, indirect and contractor workers. (See Annexes)

(403-2) We have a procedure for identifying hazards, assessing risks and determining controls, which is available and is easily accessible and consulted by all collaborators. Furthermore, it is socialized or disclosed at least once a year through induction or re-induction sessions. (See Annexes)

The Transformation of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Culture at TGI contributes to the objectives of profitability and sustainability, by not generating costs as a consequence of medical leave or fatality cases on our collaborators.

The outcome of this procedure is the matrix of risks and hazards that each work center has, where each one includes the risks and operational controls. Furthermore, employees have various channels to communicate and notify eventual hazards or work situations, thus contributing to the construction of preventive measures in the OSH area.

(403-4) Two of the spaces for participation and consultation for the development, application and evaluation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System that our collaborators have are the COPASST Committee and the Coexistence Committee; each one of them has its own guidelines, functions and frequency of meetings. 100% of our collaborators are represented in the occupational health and safety committees. (See Annexes)

To strengthen our processes for the Transformation of the OSH Culture, we have corporate guidelines in charge of the Project Management Office (PMO) of GEB, responsible for measuring the impacts of this strategy with the schedule performance index (SPI), as well as the efficiency of project planning.

The results of cultural transformation management are periodically monitored by GEB and TGI, and each subsidiary monitor planning versus execution.

Likewise, at TGI we monitor the management of cultural transformation of OSH with the support of the Sustainable Development Management, through an initiative / strategic project sheet (PLC-F-PE-002) where every month we show the progress in scheduling and physical execution, financial execution, and analysis of project results.

(403-3) We have a preventive and occupational medicine program where we carry out activities aimed at promoting and controlling the health of our collaborators: medical examination services, vaccination, reinstatement or post-medical leave examinations, special evaluations, counseling, among others. (See Annexes)

Considering that the pandemic had its effect in 2020, we focused our health intervention on Epidemiological Surveillance Systems (SVE in Spanish) with virtual programs on topics such as musculoskeletal health, psychosocial risk, healthy lifestyle habits and public health.

(403-6) In addition, at TGI we offer different services and programs that promote the health of our employees. 97% of them have a health policy that works as a complementary medicine. (See Annexes)

What we achieved in 2020

(103-3) (403-5)

Training plan

  • We train 18 people from the OSH team in visible OSH leadership, life-saving rules, proactive management of strategic partners, critical risk assurance, and effective incident investigation.

  • We trained 13 people at the strategic level in visible managerial leadership, life-saving rules and proactive management of strategic allies.

  • We trained eight Senior Management executives (including the president of the company) and two people from the Operating Committee of the Board of Directors in visible managerial leadership, adapted for Senior Management.

  • 100% of our contractors received OSH training during 2020; we share with them policies, procedures and other tools that the company has to manage issues related to occupational health and safety.

  • In the framework of the pandemic, we provide training to our collaborators in the prevention of contagion by Covid and the measures for the care thereof.

See Annexes

OSH Culture

  • We conducted 330 surveys and 14 interviews with employees: 400 surveys and 23 interviews with contractors. In addition, we reviewed 52 documents from different TGI management systems. With these inputs, we conducted an OSH culture diagnosis, including a series of recommendations that will become an action plan to be developed in phase II of the project (February 2021-August 2022).

  • Based on the strategic level training covering visible managerial leadership, we were able to execute a hands-on practice to observe behavior, with the support of a consulting firm.

(403-2) Evaluation and identification of risks in the OSH Management System

  • Four field visits (one physical and three virtual) were conducted, where we interacted with collaborators and contractors; six interviews with personnel at the strategic level of our company and review of 194 Management System documents that served as input for the diagnosis of the OSH culture.

  • In the training given to the OSH team on critical risk operational minimums, we had, as a complement, a virtual practice in the field, where we analyzed real cases of critical work in the field, with the support of the consultant who leads the matter in our company.

Risk-based process safety

  • We have determined that the process safety component is developed following the outlines and recommendations of the Risk-Based Process Safety Management System Guides (SG SPBR in Spanish), published by the Chemical Center for Process Safety (CCPS) and endorsed by the Institute of Chemical Engineers of the USA. This strategy emphasizes that any initial intervention or evaluation to develop an SG PBR must refer to and be well informed about the primary elements of the system: levels of technical risk; its documentation and records; resource levels and their competencies; and a culture of major or catastrophic risk management of the infrastructure.

  • We presented TGI's process safety diagnosis to the working group of the Vice Presidency of Operations and Construction, who participated in the diagnosis to identify the five areas with the highest impact, from the critical risk standpoint, to prepare a complete analysis thereof by the consultancy, under the Bow-Tie methodology.

  • We trained 12 employees in basic risk-based process safety concepts.

OSH indicators

  • (403-9) (403-10) Zero fatalities due to accident or work-related illness in our collaborators and contractors.

  • (403-10) There were no cases of occupational disease diagnosed by the ARL.

  • (403-9) The occupational accidents with major consequences and lost time injury frequency rates (LTIFR) remained at zero for our employees, compared to the previous year.

  • (EU17) 950,409 hours worked by our collaborators.

See Annexes

  • Cuatro operarios de TGI, tres hombres y una mujer, a las afueras de la infraestructura

    Our program is aligned with the Primero la Vida (Life First) attribute, based on the strengthening of the prevention and self-care culture.

  • Cuatro operarios de TGI con sus elementos de protección dentro de la planta

    Our program is aligned with the Primero la Vida (Life First) attribute, based on the strengthening of the prevention and self-care culture.

  • Mujer operaria de TGI sonríe y escribe en una hoja apoyada sobre una tabla

    Our program is aligned with the Primero la Vida (Life First) attribute, based on the strengthening of the prevention and self-care culture.

  • Operario de TGI muy sonriente

    Our program is aligned with the Primero la Vida (Life First) attribute, based on the strengthening of the prevention and self-care culture.

Challenges for 2021

Between february 2021 and august 2022, we will execute phase ii of the ohs culture transformation project, focused on the implementation of actions in contractor management, process safety, critical risks and ohs culture.

In the short term

  • Implement the work plan to close cultural OSH gaps, critical risks to the OSH System and process safety, based on risks.

  • Monitor OSH performance indicators.

  • Carry out an annual review of the risks to identify opportunities for improvement in the Transformation of OSH Culture project.

  • Continue with training sessions for the population committed to process safety.

In the medium and long term

  • Carry out the process to sustain and continuously improve the OSH Culture Transformation project.

  • Follow up on the roadmap in accordance with the proposals for improvement initiatives, according to progress.

  • In the implementation phase (from 2021 to 2022) of the Transformation of the OSH Culture, implement a GEB corporate committee and a TGI work team to monitor, evaluate and control the development of the project, on fronts such as strengthening of the management of contractors in OSH, transfer of the guidelines of the Life First attribute to the contractor partners, action plans and socialization of lessons learned from the accidents of the company and contractors, training of the OSH team in the Tap Root research methodology.