The Internal Audit Management of TGI, provides independent and objective assurance (audit) and consulting services, conceived to add value and improve the operations of the company. Likewise, it seeks to contribute to the fulfillment of the company’s objectives, providing a systematic and disciplined approach with the purpose of assessing and improving the effectiveness and efficacy of the risk management, control and corporate governance processes. Moreover, follow-up and assess processes to continuously improve the efficacy and efficiency of the organization’s management systems in order to take improvement actions.
Taking into account that all activities, operations and processes may be subject to an internal audit examination, the scope of work of the Internal Audit Management shall be to determine whether TGI’s risk management, control and corporate governance processes are suitable and work properly ensuring that:
• Risks are properly identified and handled.
• There is interaction between different management groups according to the needs.
• Significant financial, management and operational information is accurate, reliable and convenient.
• Employee actions comply with all policies, rules, principles, procedures, law and regulations that may apply to TGI.
• Resources are acquired in an economical manner, efficiently utilized and properly protected.
• Programs, plans and objectives are fulfilled.
• Laws and regulations applicable to TGI are being properly applied.
• Improvements for control management, returns and corporate image are identified during different audits. Such improvements are communicated to the Presidency Committee and Audit Committee respectively.
Additionally, Internal Audit Management shall take part in the strengthening of the Institutional Internal Control System, contributing to foster self-control and self-assessment culture in the organization.