Sustainable Shopping
TGI is focused on compliance with the norms, principles and general guidelines of sustainability criteria in the Supply Area, through the adoption of good practices in the selection of suppliers and inputs that incorporate sustainability variables and criteria.
Indicadores de Sostenibilidad Gestión 2021
de nuestros productos y servicios fueron contratados con proveedores nacionales.
en cumplimiento de los tiempos de contratación.
Gracias a nuestra gestión eficiente logramos el ahorro en procesos de contratación.
TGI implemented since 2020 the inclusion of electronic signatures through the DocuSign tool, through which all contractual documents are signed, that is, in supply management we also contribute to the company's zero (0) paper policy , making the management of internal processes and the services we provide more efficient.
Evaluation of Our Suppliers and Contractors
Relationship with Communities
These are the main activities and results that were managed during 2021 as part of the indirect economic impacts:
Regarding the hiring of local labor, and roje and services with local suppliers, the HSE and Social Manual (Link: https://www.tgi.com.co/en/stakeholders/suppliers-information ), establishes the following in section 7, numeral 7.8 :
“THE CONTRACTOR is obliged to contract the entire required local Unskilled Labor Force (MONF) and must give priority to the Skilled Labor Force (MOF) of the area of influence of the project, work or activity.
The Trained Workforce must comply with the profiles required by THE COMPANY. Considering the previous survey of the local and regional market carried out by THE CONTRACTOR must determine regional supply and salaries.
The candidate preselection process roj be carried out through the operators of the Public Employment Service – SPE, complying with current regulations and having as guarantors the Municipal Authorities and Offices of the roj of influence of the roject, work or activity. The logistics necessary for the above must be assumed by THE CONTRACTOR at its cost”.
During 2021 we carried out 203 induction and socialization spaces for our suppliers and contractors, in which we highlight the guidelines of the HSEQ and Social Manual for contractors ( https://www.tgi.com.co/en/stakeholders/suppliers-information), support and accompaniment was provided by social professionals to ensure the processes and activities to be developed in relation to local contracting and of products and services in the regions.
In 2021, our suppliers and contractors hired 1,943 people from the regions and areas of influence where we have a presence.