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Suppliers Information

In this section, providers will find all the information related to contracts.


The document called "GENERAL CLAUSES FOR SERVICE, WORK, PURCHASE OR AGREEMENT ORDERS", is an integral part of the SERVICE, WORK OR PURCHASE ORDER and regulates the legal business relationship between TGI and its contractors, referring to the orders service amount less than 200 SMMLV (Current Legal Minimum Monthly Wages).



At Transportadora de Gas Internacional we have a supplier registry through SAP Ariba Network, the technological tool that supports our Strategic Supply Model.

The registration options are classified as self-registration, and registration when sent by TGI S.A. ESP the request directly to the provider.

In addition, the categorization option is available, which allows the registration of complementary supplier information in this tool.

The following describes how to perform the self-registration, registration, and supplier categorization options:


Self - Register

  • To perform your self-registration enter the following Link


The following tutorial explains step by step the registration of suppliers in SAP Ariba Network.

To carry out the registration, remember to have the following documents on hand to attach: chamber of commerce, Rut, identity card of the legal representative, bank certification and financial statements.



The following tutorial explains step by step the categorization of suppliers in SAP Ariba Network.

The following tutorial explains step by step the categorization of suppliers in SAP Ariba Network.

Categorization is a complementary record where emphasis is placed on knowing information related to the provider's experience.




If during the self-registration, registration or supplier categorization process, you have any functional and/or technical concerns with the tool, you can contact us through the following channels:

- Transportadora de Gas Internacional service channel – service functional concerns:

PBX: (571) 3138400 Extension: 5555

- SAP Ariba Network service channel – attention to technical concerns with the tool:

Enter to the follow link: and log in with your Ariba Network credentials.

On the portal, you will find available:

A help center with manuals and support videos for the use of the tool.

A remote assistance center with: email, online chat or telephone support.

Remember the importance of always keeping the registered information updated, this is essential for participation in calls of Grupo Energía Bogotá and its subsidiaries.

TGI makes information related to current external regulations and internal documents that govern the contracting of goods and services available to its suppliers.





Learn about the minimum legal requirements that a national or foreign invoice submitted to TGI must contain and the procedure to file them

Documents of Interest:







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