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The alteration of the prevailing weather conditions linked directly or indirectly to human activity; It is not only an environmental problem, but also generates conflicts in sustainable development, impacting the social and economic component.



We carry out maintenance, follow-up and monitoring activities for 1,200 individuals of orchid and bromeliad species, considered closed. These plants were transferred and relocated when TGI developed the Yamunta Sector Decommissioning Project in the department of Boyacá, area of ​​influence of our Cusiana - La Belleza Gas Pipeline, together with our strategic ally SAJY S.A.S.

With this we contribute to the conservation and survival of the wild flora of the project area, guaranteeing that these individuals of closed species adapt to the place where they were relocated and can develop and survive, complying with our environmental obligations due to the partial lifting of the closure.



Environmental Managament System - TGI Audits[62].pdf

Environmental impact studies




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